Suavo for Public Safety

Drones programs are helping public safety agencies, including fire, law enforcement agencies and tactical teams, respond more strategically and even faster to emergency situations.

First responders from agencies of every size can take advantage of drone programs to manage teams in multiple locations and quickly run low-risk flight operations — even in volatile situations.

Drone programs can create a new standard for daily operations, taking emergency responses, safety, and efficiency to a whole new level.

Mitigate Risks & Increase Efficiency

Drones can be a huge improvement saving lives and guiding critical decision-making. Integrated with other technologies, drones can see through smoke, steam, and forest canopies.

A drone can search a much bigger area in a matter of seconds, creating a 3D map and collecting data for the team on the ground — getting much faster in places than human beings.

Law enforcement and search and rescue agencies can use a drone to aid officers in search of suspects or missing persons much faster than traditional methods.

Case Examples

  • Infrared/Thermal Imagery - View the hot spots from the air in real-time
  • Manage an incident more effectively with an expansive view from above
  • Create near-instant digital maps of incidents and share them electronically with dispatch
  • Conduct aerial searches and identify missing persons via infrared technology


Without putting lives in danger, a drone can get into places without causing any harm. Integrated with other technologies, drones can see through smoke, forest canopies or at night. Drones can use thermal cameras to scan emergency scenes and guide critical decision-making on the ground.


While it can take hours for a human inspection, a drone can do the same in a fraction of the time and costs. Drones can give teams the upper hand when confronting unknown terrain, hazardous situations and enhancing personnel safety on the ground.

Real-time Data

In a matter of seconds, a drone can gather much more information than traditional methods. Real-time data can be critical in emergency situations, guiding teams on the ground and helping to save lives.

Let us be your drone experts

Tell us about your program needs, obstacles, and plans, or ask about Suavo's services. We’re here to help you chart a course to successful drone operations.